We’re a week or so into March, and there’s been a TINY bit of sunshine here in the UK and – that’s it. The cats are back to their sunbeams, it’s like we never existed!

Hey! Thank you so much to everyone who came to see us in Glasgow this weekend! Power Con went really well and we had a lovely time meeting a whole bunch of you! Special thanks if you came to our panels as well!

We’ve put our new designs back on our shop so if you want any of the new mugs/tees/stickers, they’re all back over on the shop!

Our next show is MCM London in May! Let us know if you’re going!

We’ve put everything new back on our shop again so if you want any of the new mugs/tees/stickers, they’re all back over on the shop!

Our next show is MCM London in May! Let us know if you’re going!